After a week and a half away from work things are too hectic to drop a little Minnesota on your asses quite yet, though perhaps the spirit will move me on the other side of quittin' time. For now, I'll just say hello, and leave you with my Rock and Roll quote of the day from my new Rock and Roll quote of he day calendar. I promise, I won't share them ALL, just ones I like, or as a space filler when I don't have the time or patience to come up with an original thought. I leave it to you to figure out which are which...
'Good news doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one's fellow man. The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times.' -Patti Smith, from the Mid-July 1996 Rolling Stone
Here's some much earlier Patti, blaming all her problems on the sun going down...
Of note, the YouTube poster who shared this video with us deserves my thanks for posting said piece, but also deserves our scorn for claiming this tune was later 'covered' by Bruce Springsteen. Patti and The Boss collaborated on the writing, therefore Bruce's version is no 'cover'.
On a less pissy note, the PS version of Because the Night was released in 1978, the year I was born, and the above quote was featured in the Rolling Stone that was on the news stands the day I turned 18... I very well may have a copy of that specific RS mouldering in my garage...
Oh, my calendar also tells me it's Twelfth Night, so time to pack up the partridges, turtle doves, French hens, colly birds, gold rings, geese a-laying, swans a-swimming, maids a-milking, drummers drumming, pipers piping, ladies dancing, and lords a-leaping... I KNOW, you JUST unboxed those Lords a-leaping, but I don't make the rules... They'll just have to get stowed in the rafters until next year...
Already de-Holidayed? Then take this opportunity to read some Shakespeare...
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago
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