Happy Birthday to that OTHER Elvis, you know, the Presley one. Had he survived he would have been seventy four today, or if you prefer, he IS seventy four today and still enjoying a life out of the spotlight working in a Nebraska 7-11...
Birthday wishes also go out to a man who by all accounts IS still with us, and who's crotch starred in Labyrinth. Mr. David Bowie is sixty two years young today. So at what point will he start aging rapidly so Catherine Deneuve can sequester his rotting corpse to her attic?
Since I'm not a huge fan of the OG Elvis, enjoy DB's The Heart's Filthy Lesson...
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago
OG Elvis...Shiver. Gives me images of an old fat, white guy in gangsta rap gear.
You BEST be stizzaying offa my blue suade shoes boyeeeeeee!
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