Don't blame me, blame my iPod...
I was fully ready to commence a snark heavy write up about Savannah, and Gone With the Wind, and Ted Turner, and peaches, and former WWF superstar The Big Bossman,
but then it happened...

Like a flash of light transporting my essence through the ether into a wholly different demention of space and time, a land where clocks run backward and it's still totally acceptable to wear bellbottoms and speak with an olde English accented drawl...
Or perhaps I just stuck my tongue in my desk fan...
My iPod started in on Van Morrison's Astral Weeks

I am therefore rendered snarkless, and paralysed to all things not cosmically intertwined with the goodness of the universe as a whole. Such is the power of Van Morrison...
So while I try and claw my way out of this powerfully ethereal Morrison-Mind-Meld, enjoy some less relevant musical expression...
I hope to rend my soul from Van's Irish Heartbeat prior to Thanksgiving, but if I do not, I hope the holiday finds you well fed, well lubricated, and stuffed to the brim with merriment...
Here's an early Turkey-Day gift, one of the forgotten treasures of the 80's...
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